Cabo San Lucas news is filled with updates and modernizations coming to the city, and an increase in public wifi hotspots in Cabo San Lucas is one of the many ways the destination is becoming more accommodating for both tourists and locals looking to get a little work done outside the office, send messages, update their Instagram feeds, or just surf the web. When you’re out and about and need to find free wifi in Cabo San Lucas, now it will be easier than ever because the local government has decided to begin an initiative that will provide free wifi hotspots in Cabo San Lucas.
In June 2019, local officials announced that they would be working with Telmex, a national telephone and internet provider, to install twelve new hotspots around the city, making it easy for locals and visitors to access free wifi in Los Cabos. Beginning in the Amelia Wilkes Plaza, these hotspots will be set up so that visitors can check their location, peruse the shops and restaurants that are nearby, and utilize a greater number of apps on their phone. At the same time, government officials announced that while setting up the different wifi hotspots in Cabo San Lucas, they would also be installing a number of security cameras that would increase public safety in major tourist areas of the city. Their hope is that the easily accessible wifi in Cabo and the increased security will give locals and visitors a greater sense of safety while touring the destination.
While the reach of these new wifi hotspots in Cabo San Lucas is still to be determined, there are other locations throughout the destination where you can access free wifi at any time. These places include:
If you’re looking for a free wifi space around town and you aren’t in one of the twelve designated zones for free wifi in Los Cabos, each of these restaurants and coffee shops is a great place not just to access the internet and catch up on Cabo news, but they’re also delicious spots for a bite to eat. However, after a few minutes of surfing the web, you’ll be ready to put electronics away and soak up every moment of your Mexico vacation.
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